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“Choose Happiness” is a new framework for our community’s plans, efforts and engagement.

Our Vision

To be a town where people care if you’re happy.

For closer study, a pdf version of the Choose Happiness video presentation is available for review here.

Download Presentation
full coffee cup with imprint

Our Values

We affirm that EVERY Tamaquan has innate value and dignity.

We are good neighbors.

We have heart.

Our Mission

To create the opportunity for Tamaquans to be connected to the community by participating in the Framework for Happiness

Five Factors in the Framework for Happiness

Financial Health

Money may not be able to buy happiness, but financial health is certainly a contributing factor when people report how happy they are!

Health & Wellness

“Well, at least you have your health!” is not just something you say. Physical and mental health and wellness can be important to happiness.

Social Relationships

Having positive people in your life and meaningful connections with friends and family can lead to happiness.

Sense of Purpose

On a mission? People who have a clear sense of purpose in life tend to report being happier than those who do not.

Community Engagement

Participating, volunteering, voting and engaging in civic activities correlate with happiness – those attending civic meetings already know that!

Framework for Happiness Worksheets

Let us hear from you

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Choose Happiness is an outreach of
Tamaqua Area Community Partnership
125 Pine Street
Tamaqua, Pennsylvania 18252